It appeared that House Bill 3363 Educational Professional Performance and Pay Accountability Act of
2011 (details below) would not be discussed until after the House
debates the budget in March, but it was placed on a subcommittee agenda. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CALL AND EMAIL THE MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE WITH YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT THIS BILL.
Subcommittee Contact Info:
Representative Brian White
Columbia Address:
519C Blatt Building
Columbia, 29201
(803) 734-3113
Representative Joe Neal
Columbia Address:
309B Blatt Bldg.
Columbia, 29201
(803) 734-2804
Representative Mike Pitts
Columbia Address:
327C Blatt Bldg.
Columbia, 29201
(803) 734-2830
Representative Bill Herbkersman
Columbia Address:
308B Blatt Bldg.
Columbia, 29201
(803) 734-3063
House Bill 3363 by Rep. Sellars – The Education Professional Performance
Accountability Act of 2011 has been introduced and sent to the House
Ways and Means Committee. This bill includes the following points:
- Personnel will be classified and paid based on what they do:
Pay Classification
1: Math and Science teachers
2: All other teachers
3: Special Ed teachers
4: Coaches and facilitators
5: Special area personnel such as psychologists, media and
6: Administrative personnel
7: Support staff
-All teachers will go through SAFE-T (ADEPT) every year
4 evaluations (2 teacher, 2 administrator) for 50% of your score
-Pre and post test data for your students (probably MAP 75% class
growth) - 30% of your score for pay
-School collective test data - 10 % of your pay
-Professional responsibility - 5% of your pay (parents and students
will be part of the evaluation process)
-Professional development measured by instructional practices - 5%
of your score for pay
To view the full bill, go to:
PSTA will testify against this bill on Wednesday afternoon. It is SO
important that your teacher voices are heard on this issue. Start
calling after school today. The subcommittee members will not be coming
to Columbia until Tuesday morning so you have time to reach them in
their districts.
(see more info below on HB 3363)
House Bill 3716 (previously 3002) is on the House calendar and could be
debated as early as Tuesday. This bill amends the Education Finance Act
of 1977- to the Education Finance Act of 2011. The bill allows for
changes in the student weightings and added a weight for Poverty and
English as a Second Language (ESOL). Language pertaining to the STEP
increase will be removed and STEP increases will only be provided at the
district’s discretion. The SDE is directed to develop a performance
based model for salary increases to replace the STEP increase. The bill
addresses the Index of Taxpaying Ability. Seventy percent (70%) of
funding must be directed to instruction. The bill also includes a Basic
Education Program that allows the General Assembly to consolidate line
items in the budget and provide a more direct student centered funding
to the districts. The items include, but are not limited to: EEDA, EAA,
Student Health and Fitness Act, physical education programs, units
required by SBE regulations in each grade leveteaching of grade-specific standards.
Representative Dan Cooper, at the request of PSTA, put an amendment to
the bill that assures that there is teacher input in the development of
an incentive compensation plan for teachers. You must get in touch with
your House member and ask them to make sure the section that allows
teacher input in developing the performance pay stays in the bill. A
spokesman for Superintendent Zais has testified and spoken to the media
against having a committee of teachers mandated in the bill. You can
read the response here: