Friday, May 25, 2012

Teachers, What Can You Do? Patrick Hayes Suggests Calling These Representatives

Our success in getting Amendment 49 passed in the Senate did not surprise me.  I knew we had it in us!
What surprised me was how much fun it was.  I dread talking to strangers on the phone.  I double- dread asking for things.  But this was different. 
First off, they hire really nice people to answer the phones at the Statehouse.  Second, these are very simple conversations.  Most of the time, you’re just leaving a message.  Nobody is going to engage you in a debate. 
Finally, it just felt good to say what needed to be said.  The fact that they heard it makes it that much sweeter.
Like I said, I don't like asking for things, but I need to ask you to do it again. 
Amendment 49 heads to the House of Representatives next week. 
We need to tell them what we told the Senate: "Many teachers have not been paid their full salaries in four years.  Budget Amendment 49 needs to pass, and we will be voting this issue in November."
I'll be calling 124 House members.  Can you call four?
Here are the four Representatives I need you to call:

1)      Your Rep
Click here to find out who that is (bottom left) and here to find their contact info (click on their name). 
Remember, if you see a home or office number, they’ve chosen to list it.  Use it.  They will not be in their Columbia office again until Tuesday.  Tell them you are a constituent, and you will vote this issue. 

2)      Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell

Statehouse (803) 734-3125
Home Phone (843) 556-9075
Business Phone (843) 766-5533
3) House Majority Leader Kenny Bingham

Statehouse (803) 734-3138
Home (803) 796-3582
Business (803) 796-9300

4) Chairman of House Ways and Means, W. Brian White

Statehouse (803) 734-3144
Home (864) 260-4025

For several thousand of you, #1 and 2 are the same person.  That’s a very good thing.  It’s also cheating! :)Call somebody in the Upstate, too.  We’re still growing up there.

If you’re getting this email over the weekend, go ahead and leave a voicemail.  Please try to follow up again on Tuesday.

Speaking of my Charleston friends, don’t forget the Charleston County School Board meeting on Tuesday, May 29th.  The meeting starts at 5:15, but I don’t think you’ll need to be there that early.  I’ll send you a better estimate when they post the agenda. 
Your standing ovations made a big impact at the last meeting.  Let’s dig deep and find another one for Dr. McGinley when she presents her proposal to give teachers a 2-step increase and a 2% raise.

Thank you everyone!  Let’s finish the job!
Best regards,
Patrick Hayes
Restore Teacher Salaries

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